What's a nosebag? Something that horses ate oats from while working all day. The bag hung over the nose and was secured by a strap over the neck. And something campers use for quick snacks for quick energy on the trail. The snacks are eaten slowly over a period of time. Dried Fruits, nuts, candies, and cereals provide both quick and slow burning fuels for the feet. Hiker's Mix 1/4 lb. seedless raisins 1/4 lb. favorite cheese 1/4 lb. sweet or semisweet chocolate 1 apple put in plastic bag and eat when needed Birdseed Make as much as you want 1 part sugar-coated cereal 1 part candy-coated chocolate 1 part roasted peanuts Mix and munch when needed Death Valley Special makes a lot.. you don't have to eat all at once.. 6 cups rolled oats 2 cups chopped walnuts 2 cups seedless raisins 1/2 cup chopped pitted dates Package candy-coated chocolates Toast rolled oats in oven preheated at 250 degrees F. Spread out oats and walnuts in a roasting pan. Bake 1 hour, mixing from time to time. Cool, and mix with raisins, chopped dates, and chocolates. Spoon quanity needed in self sealing plastic bags and store remainder in covered containers for future use. Nuts and Bolts 1/4 lb. raisins 1/4 lb. peanuts 1/4 lb. chocolate bits or Carob bits Broken up graham crakers or Honey graham bits Mix and put in self sealing plastic bags to carry Now remember to share with the other hikers.